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À propos d'Alexandre

" Alexandre est Liszt réincarné."

Jerry Dubins, Fanfare Magazine

In 2019, at age 22, Alexandre Kantorow became the first French pianist to win the Tchaikovsky Competition's First Prize, as well as the Grand Prix, awarded only three times before in the competition's history. Hailed by critics as the“reincarnation of Liszt” (Fanfare Magazine), he received the Gilmore Artist Award 2024, considered one of the most prestigious international piano prizes,and awarded only every 4 years. He is the first French artist and youngest winner of the Gilmore Artist Award. 

In recital, he performs in major concert halls such as Carnegie Hall's Stern Auditorium in New York, Amsterdam's Concertgebouw in its Master Pianistsseries, Vienna's Konzerthaus, Philharmonie de Paris, Brussels' Bozar, London's Queen Elizabeth Hall and Wigmore Hall, Tokyo's City Opera... and in the most prestigious festivals including La Roque d'Anthéron, Ravinia Festival, Verbier Festival and Klavier-Festival Ruhr.

Crédits photos : Janusz Marynowski

Highlights of the 2024/2025 season include Alexandre's debut with the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra, a European tour with the Munich Philharmonic Orchestra,under Tugan Sokhiev, debut with the Orchestre Metropolitain under Yannick Nézet-Séguin. He will also perform Brahms' Piano Concertos Nos. 1 and 2 with John Eliot Gardiner and the Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France. He will make his recital debut in Asia, including Seoul, Beijing, Shanghai and Tokyo. In chamber music, he will perform with Janine Jansen and tour with Gautier Capuçon.

M. Kantorow enregistre exclusivement pour BIS, qui fait désormais partie d'Apple Music. Tous ses enregistrements ont été salués par la critique internationale et ont reçu de nombreuses récompenses, dont plusieurs Diapason d'Or, Victoires de la musique classique et Trophée d'Année. En 2022, il a fait l'objet d'une couverture complète en première page du magazine Gramophone et d'un Editor's Choice.
M. Kantorow est lauréat de la Fondation Safran et de la Fondation Banque Populaire. Né en France et d'origine franco-britannique, M. Kantorow a étudié avec Pierre-Alain Volondat, Igor Lazko, Frank Braley et Rena Shereshevskaya.